You can report an error in a question through both Practice Questions and Practice Exams mode.
In Practice Questions mode, once you've answered a question you will see the "feedback" button to report an error at the bottom of the answer explanation page.
Click the feedback button at the bottom of the page:
Once you've clicked the button a pop-up will appear with directions. Click OK:
Then, your default email application will pop-up so that you can provide feedback in your own words. This email will be sent to our in-house legal team to take a look at, and we will get back to you within a reasonable time if a response is warranted.
In Practice Exams mode, once you've finished the exam you will be taken to the exam report page which includes the stats and questions.
Click on the Questions tab in order to see your correct and incorrect answers:
When you click on the question number of your choice it will take you to the question and answer explanation page, where you will see the report an error button.
Click on the feedback button at the bottom of the page:
Once you've clicked the button a pop-up will appear with directions. Click OK:
Then, your default email application will pop-up so that you can report the error in your own words. This email will be sent to our in-house legal team to take a look at, and we will get back to you within a reasonable time if a response is warranted.