Yes AdaptiBar's Online Flashcards are included with your enrollment in MBE Simulator. Access all 2,000 flashcards to help master black letter law by signing in and navigating to the left hand panel. Click here to learn more.
Articles in this section
- What video lectures are included with MBE Simulator for Retakers?
- What is the difference between the Mastering the MBE Video Lecture and the MBE Simulator for Retakers Coaching Video Lectures?
- What is MBE Simulator for Retakers?
- What is AdaptiBar MBE Simulator?
- Does AdaptiBar MBE Simulator use licensed questions?
- I was enrolled in AdaptiBar with the wrong exam date. How do I change this?
- My assignment is expired, but I didn’t complete it.
- I’ve finished an assignment, but an error message pops up when I try to submit.
- My professor said we have an assignment, but I can’t find it.
- What does Exclude MBE Study Aid Questions mean?